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1945 - This is US. This is Brussels.

Julie Van Landeghem, born in 1995, lives in Brussels, has Belgian roots and is an artist. Loves the fact that she learned more from Brussels than at school in Flanders. For her, Brussels is ... (read more)
Julie Van Landeghem, born in 1995, lives in Brussels, has Belgian roots and is an artist. Loves the fact that she learned more from Brussels than at school in Flanders. For her, Brussels is fragmentation by the Flemish and French-speaking communities when it comes to culture and arts organisations, for example, but also the enormous richness of living together. Her questions to the future are about women's safety on the streets, a humane newcomer policy and ecological food production in the city.
  • 1945 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • Julie Van Landeghem, born in 1995, lives in Brussels, has Belgian roots and is an artist. Loves the fact that she learned more from Brussels than at school in Flanders.

  • 1945 - 02 - BNA-BBOT
  • For her, Brussels is fragmentation by the Flemish and French-speaking communities when it comes to culture and arts organisations, for example, but also the enormous richness of living together.

  • 1945 - 03 - BNA-BBOT
  • Her questions to the future are about women's safety on the streets, a humane newcomer policy and ecological food production in the city.

1944 - This is US. This is Brussels.

Mohammed El Arbi, born in Brussels in 1997, lives in Brussels, has Moroccan roots and works as a security guard. Loves the proximity of everything. Brussels for him is Europe, international, e.g. ... (read more)
Mohammed El Arbi, born in Brussels in 1997, lives in Brussels, has Moroccan roots and works as a security guard. Loves the proximity of everything. Brussels for him is Europe, international, e.g. NATO, and also a workplace for many, for locals, expats and commuters. His questions to the future are about traffic, politics and taxes.
  • 1944 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • Mohammed El Arbi, born in Brussels in 1997, lives in Brussels, has Moroccan roots and works as a security guard. Loves the proximity of everything.

  • 1944 - 02 - BNA-BBOT
  • Brussels for him is Europe, international, e.g. NATO, and also a workplace for many, for locals, expats and commuters.

  • Ses questions pour l'avenir concernent la circulation, la politique et les impôts.
  • His questions to the future are about traffic, politics and taxes.

1943 - This is US. This is Brussels.

Ali Bounaana, born 1985 in Brussels, lives in Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode, has Moroccan roots and is an educator in a school. Loves sports and reading. Is preparing to move to Aalst because he no longer ... (read more)
Ali Bounaana, born 1985 in Brussels, lives in Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode, has Moroccan roots and is an educator in a school. Loves sports and reading. Is preparing to move to Aalst because he no longer finds it pleasant in Brussels: he experienced a break-in in his house, in his car, damage to his bicycle. For the sake of security and the changed public, he is now moving away. Brussels is still important to him for going out to restaurants with friends. Has good memories of Océade and would like to visit the Sewer Museum one day. His questions about the future are about cars in the city, education and how young people behave.
  • 1943 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • Ali Bounaana, born 1985 in Brussels, lives in Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode, has Moroccan roots and is an educator in a school. Loves sports and reading. Is preparing to move to Aalst because he no longer finds it pleasant in Brussels: he experienced a break-in in his house, in his car, damage to his bicycle. For the sake of security and the changed public, he is now moving away.

  • 1943 - 02 - BNA-BBOT
  • Brussels is still important to him for going out to restaurants with friends. Has good memories of Océade and would like to visit the Sewer Museum one day.

  • 1943 - 03 - BNA-BBOT
  • His questions about the future are about cars in the city, education and how young people behave.

1942 - This is US. This is Brussels.

Zoé Vandenberg, born in 1999, lives in Etterbeek, has Belgian roots and is a law student and also works as a research assistant at ULB. Loves the Brussels friteries, the idea that there are still so ... (read more)
Zoé Vandenberg, born in 1999, lives in Etterbeek, has Belgian roots and is a law student and also works as a research assistant at ULB. Loves the Brussels friteries, the idea that there are still so many places and groups of people to really discover. For her, Brussels is the different neighbourhoods, but she has a special bond with Anderlecht and the Marolles because she grew up there as a child: places she also sees gentrifying. She loves the Christmas market and the Foire du Midi and library of her childhood. Her questions to the future are about climate, the place of the car and the authenticity of Brussels.
  • 1942 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • Zoé Vandenberg, born in 1999, lives in Etterbeek, has Belgian roots and is a law student and also works as a research assistant at ULB. Loves the Brussels friteries, the idea that there are still so many places and groups of people to really discover. For her, Brussels is the different neighbourhoods, but she has a special bond with Anderlecht and the Marolles because she grew up there as a child: places she also sees gentrifying.

  • 1942 - 02 - BNA-BBOT
  • She loves the Christmas market and the Foire du Midi and library of her childhood.

  • 1942 - 03 - BNA-BBOT
  • Her questions to the future are about climate, the place of the car and the authenticity of Brussels.

1941 - This is US. This is Brussels.

Isabelle De Meyere, born in 1972, came to Brussels from Flanders in 1998, lives in Anderlecht, is culture coordinator. Tells the story of Saint Guido, the Erasmus House, swimming pool Flow, the ... (read more)
Isabelle De Meyere, born in 1972, came to Brussels from Flanders in 1998, lives in Anderlecht, is culture coordinator. Tells the story of Saint Guido, the Erasmus House, swimming pool Flow, the Marchant Bridge. Loves the open attitude and optimism of the people of Brussels. Her questions to the future are about the evolution of the state structure, multilingualism, climate, meeting places in every street.
  • 1941 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • 1942 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • 1942 - 03 - BNA-BBOT

1940 - This is US. This is Brussels.

Chantal Leonard, born in 1967 in Liège, came to Brussels when she was 2 years old, lives in Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, is a teacher. Brussels for her is the changing much more diverse population, ... (read more)
Chantal Leonard, born in 1967 in Liège, came to Brussels when she was 2 years old, lives in Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, is a teacher. Brussels for her is the changing much more diverse population, Stromae, Grand Jojo, the attacks. Her questions to the future are about commerce and small-scale, cultural life and mobility.
  • 1940 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • Chantal Leonard, born in 1967 in Liège, came to Brussels when she was 2 years old, lives in Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, is a teacher.

  • 1940 - 02 - BNA-BBOT
  • Brussels for her is the changing much more diverse population, Stromae, Grand Jojo, the attacks.

  • 1940 - 03 - BNA-BBOT
  • Her questions to the future are about commerce and small-scale, cultural life and mobility.

1939 - This is US. This is Brussels.

Dries Deridder, born in 1999, lives in Etterbeek and studies engineer at the VUB. For him, Brussels is mainly for studies, because at the weekend he still goes to his parents in Limburg. Finds ... (read more)
Dries Deridder, born in 1999, lives in Etterbeek and studies engineer at the VUB. For him, Brussels is mainly for studies, because at the weekend he still goes to his parents in Limburg. Finds Brussels very multicultural, but also hopes that Brussels will remain Belgium enough in the future. Other questions he asks about the future are about poverty and mobility.
  • 1939 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • Dries Deridder, born in 1999, lives in Etterbeek and studies engineer at the VUB. For him, Brussels is mainly for studies, because at the weekend he still goes to his parents in Limburg.

  • 1939 - 02 - BNA-BBOT
  • Finds Brussels very multicultural, but also hopes that Brussels will remain Belgium enough in the future.

  • 1939 - 03 - BNA-BBOT
  • Other questions he asks about the future are about poverty and mobility.

1938 - New Heroïnes

This recording was made by participants in a collodion photography workshop on the New Heroines of Brussels organized by Troubled Archives during their residency at BNA-BBOT. The group was curated by ... (read more)
This recording was made by participants in a collodion photography workshop on the New Heroines of Brussels organized by Troubled Archives during their residency at BNA-BBOT. The group was curated by theater artist Dada Kahindo. The artists analyze collodion photography in relation to colonialism and the Colonial Machine. These Congolese artists talk about childhood, how education takes place and should take place, with an emphasis on language. An actress talks about her visit to the museum in Tervuren: the shock, the lie of colonization, the disrespect for her ancestors, her hot tears. Their culture has been blocked and replaced by Western science. They talk about African science, the fetishes, the experience in the villages. Passing on to children, workshops: fables of La Fontaine and local stories; my father's stories, African wisdom. Today we have to go back to basics; real history. On summer vacations in the village, my grandfather told stories. You cannot talk about decolonization without talking about colonization: it is a lived experience and you can still feel it in racism. These stories are important. It is important, to accept differences. Together we can be stronger. A utopia?
  • 1938 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • Presentation, the interviewee is an artist and psychologist. He talks about his youth in the Congo. People lost confidence; the Mobutu era was different.

  • 1938 - 02 - BNA-BBOT
  • Dad's heroism, political situation. The role of cinema in identity-building: bringing people together. The country's cultural policy.

  • 1938 - 03 - BNA-BBOT
  • If you had to make a film about a hero, who would it be? Lumumba, Kasavubu. Discretion of the Bas-Congo.

  • 1938 - 04 - BNA-BBOT
  • Artists analyze collodium photography in relation to colonality. The Colonial Machine.

  • 1938 - 05 - BNA-BBOT
  • The image of self and country. Education in relation to colonization: children are taught a false history. Problems, war. How to emancipate oneself from the dominance of the Western imaginary.

  • 1938 - 06 - BNA-BBOT
  • Congolese artists talk about contemporary movements, activism and identity. The role of language.

  • 1938 - 07 - BNA-BBOT
  • Congolese actress recounts her visit to the Tervuren Museum: the shock, the lie of colonization, the lack of respect for her ancestors, her hot tears.

  • 1938 - 08 - BNA-BBOT
  • Congolese artist talks about the role of language in relation to the heroism of her parents and herself.

  • 1938 - 09 - BNA-BBOT
  • Congolese artists talk about childhood, how education happens and should happen. Our culture has been blocked and replaced by Western science. We have our science, our fetishes, in the villages. They have soul, we have a lot of power. Passing on to children, workshops: the fables of La Fontaine and the tales of my homeland; my father's stories, African wisdom. Today we have to go back to basics; the real story. On summer vacations in the village, my grandfather used to tell stories. You can't talk about decolonization without talking about colonization: it's a lived experience, and you can still feel it in racism. These stories are important. Accepting difference. We can be stronger by being together. Utopia?

  • 1938 - 10 - BNA-BBOT
  • Artistes Congolais : à qui est-ce que s'addresse l'héroisme, la question décoloniale: aux colonisateurs ou aux colonisés. Qu'est-ce qui nous emprisonne encore? Je m'adresse au continent Africain.

1937 - Festival National du Film Super 8

Pendant sa carrière Herman Bertiau pratiquera tantôt le cinéma, tantôt la photographie, à qui il dédiera la majeure partie de sa carrière. Il commence par faire du cinéma lors de ses études... (read more)
Pendant sa carrière Herman Bertiau pratiquera tantôt le cinéma, tantôt la photographie, à qui il dédiera la majeure partie de sa carrière. Il commence par faire du cinéma lors de ses études à l’INSAS comme cameraman. ll s’intéresse alors aussi à la réalisation car il a l’intention de faire des films documentaires de voyage et c’est à ce moment précis, en 1974, qu’il entend parler du Festival National Du Film Super 8. Il participe avec le film “La Faim d’un Monde” pour lequel il reçoit le prix de la meilleure bande sonore ! Et c’est le Festival même qui l'amène à faire la rencontre avec le format Super 8, support qu’il utilise à plusieurs reprises à l’époque. Il participe à plusieurs éditions (74,75,77,79,80). Son souvenir du Festival est positif. Il se souvient d’un public réceptif, varié et d’une chouette ambiance. Son expérience du Festival l’a encouragé à faire des projets plus professionnels dans sa carrière. Quant au Super 8, pour lui ce format était le moyen le plus cohérent, par son accessibilité, avec les moyens restreints de quelqu’un encore étudiant et qui souhaite faire du cinéma par lui-même.
  • 1937 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • Explication du projet, ajout à la base de donnée de BNA. Il commence par faire du cinéma lors de ses études à l’INSAS comme cameraman. ll s’intéresse alors aussi à la réalisation car il a l’intention de faire des films documentaires de voyage et c’est à ce moment précis, en 1974, qu’il entend parler du Festival National Du Film Super 8. Il participe avec le film “La Faim d’un Monde” pour lequel il reçoit le prix de la meilleure bande sonore ! Et c’est le Festival même qui l'amène à faire la rencontre avec le format Super 8, support qu’il utilise à plusieurs reprises à l’époque. Description de sa fiction expérimentale, ancré dans l’esprit des années 70, drogues, hallucinogène, communautaire.

  • 1937 - 02 - BNA-BBOT
  • Quels souvenirs du festival? Il participe à plusieurs éditions (74,75,77,79,80). Son souvenir du Festival est positif. Il se souvient d’un public réceptif, varié et d’une chouette ambiance. Son expérience du Festival l’a encouragé à faire des projets plus professionnels dans sa carrière. Quant au Super 8, pour lui ce format était le moyen le plus cohérent, par son accessibilité, avec les moyens restreints de quelqu’un encore étudiant et qui souhaite faire du cinéma par lui-même. Autre film documentaire, Il y a un flic au fond de chacun de nous, sur les dérives policières, avec Alain Berenboom, Professeur Choron, des gens d’Hara Kiri. Détails techniques sur le film, caméra avec son intégré, il faisait tout, l’image et le montage. Autre film : Alertez les bébés, c’est son dernier film. Saturday Night Suicide : fiction. Film sur le suicide, la mort l’a toujours interpellé. C’était peut-être à l’époque de la guerre du Viet Nam. La fureur de vivre : Remake. Reportage, 1975. De mémoire un long plan séquence des voitures qui rentrent dans le tunnel de la petite ceinture. Ventilateur N°3. Reportage expérimental. Tourné à Bali et à Java en 1979. Successions d’images très saccadées, puis long plan séquence d’un homme qui danse. Actualités de la RTB en bande-son, marée-noir en Australie.. Deuxième long plan séquence, quelqu’un sort de l’eau tout habillé. Il a fait du 16 mm aussi, un film sur les avortements clandestins, une associatiopn qui pratiquait, pour éviter l’usage des aiguilles à tricoter.

  • 1937 - 03 - BNA-BBOT
  • Quant au Super 8, pour lui ce format était le moyen le plus cohérent, par son accessibilité, avec les moyens restreints de quelqu’un encore étudiant et qui souhaite faire du cinéma par lui-même. Le Festival l’a encouragé à continuer. Pendant sa carrière Herman Bertiau pratiquera tantôt le cinéma, tantôt la photographie, à qui il dédiera la majeure partie de sa carrière. Il part chercher des archives papier des festivals.

1936 - Festival National du Film Super 8

Chantal Frère est plasticienne de formation et réalisatrice autodidacte. Elle travaille pour des spectacles de danse et de théâtre. Pour l’un de ces spectacles elle décide avec le meteur en ... (read more)
Chantal Frère est plasticienne de formation et réalisatrice autodidacte. Elle travaille pour des spectacles de danse et de théâtre. Pour l’un de ces spectacles elle décide avec le meteur en scène d’intégrer la projections de films sur scène et de la mettre en lien avec les acteurs. C’est cette expérience qui a poussé Chantal à aller plus loin dans son envie de faire des films en Super 8 et 16mm. Pendant les années 80 Chantal se sent très proche des pratiques et d’un environnement expérimental où elle découvre le Super 8, un moyen qui lui semble être la suite logique de sa démarche artistique expérimentale. Chantal n’a jamais délaissé les arts plastiques. La peinture et les installations restent ses canaux d’expression de prédilection pendant sa carrière.
  • 1936 - 01 - BNA-BBOT
  • déplacement de feuilles, présentation du projet. Evocation de Robert Malengreau. Peliskan a commencé ce projet en 2022. à la Base Peliskan numérise pour des clients, mais en découvrant le festival de Super 8 il y a eu le projet de numériser tous les films passés à ce festival. Numériser, archiver et proposer des films à des festivals. Évocation d’Arthur, une copie de son film. Elle est plasticienne à la base, a toujours fait des films en autodidacte. L’idée était de projeter des films sur scène pour des spectacles danse théâtre. Aller plus loin que le décor, la scénographie. Elle a donc créé ce film pour ça. Le film est autonome, peut vivre en dehors du spectacle. Elle a été active à la restauration de la Raffinerie du Plan K, et elle a pu présenter Zone là-bas. En parallèle le festival s’est mis en route, et elle a eu l’opportunité de montrer son film dans le festival. Elle a travaillé sur d’autres spectacles pour lesquels elle a fait d’autres films. Elle a travaillé en Super 8 et 16 mm pour son film Paysages croisés. Pour ses films en super 8 elle travaillait souvent seule. Pour le 16 mm il y avait une équipe, c’était soutenu par Le Gsara et Cobra Films.

  • 1936 - 02 - BNA-BBOT
  • à la base elle travaille la peinture et la gravure. Elle a tout un parcours en-dehors du film. Elle a montré son travail à la Raffinerie du Plan K, dans le Parc d’Egmont. Souvenirs du festival du film Super 8 ? Elle se souvient de l’ambiance, du plaisir d’y être. Elle n’a pas présenté d’autres films par après. Elle y est allée plusieurs fois en tant que spectatrice. Elle est venue au Super 8 par attrait de l’expérimentation. Elle partageait une maison avec des musiciens, preneurs de son, ça lui est venu naturellement . Elle a acheté le matériel et elle s’y est mis. Découverte de matériaux, de manières de faire différentes. Coller, couper, peindre, mélanger tout. Le ministère de la culture, la Cocof soutenait des choses expérimentales. La RTBF diffusait aussi. Elle a senti une fermeture, plus les mêmes personnes qui les recevaient dans les ministères. Lecture du programme du festival où est présenté son film, programme de 1983. C’est un film d’animation. Pour le film Arthur elle avait construit un miroir mou, un film d’aluminium tendu sur un cadre qu’elle pouvait bouger. Ça donnait des déformations pendant que la caméra tournait. Elle a eu des articles de presse, les spectacles ne tournaient pas beaucoup. Présentation de la liste des réalisateurices que Peliskan recherche..

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